Friday, April 10, 2009

Guess where I'm staying...

As irony would have it, the house we are living in here is named "The Guest House." How incredibly appropriate and symbolic (if you want to go there).

It is almost election time in India and from what my sources tell me (ok, what Liddy tells me), this is a process that happens in five parts during the month of May. The Taliban has made it known that they are not willing to let this election pass peacefully. With that noted, we have decided to keep the people of India in our prayers from afar and get out of town! We are going to take the opportunity to go explore Nepal before we head to Turkey. I am looking forward to getting dreadlocks, finding the Dali Lama, and freeing Tibet while we are there. It'll be a busy week!

I honestly cannot believe that I am actually getting to go all of these places, it is so surreal. I am also acutely aware of how blessed I am to get to spend this time with Liz and Mark. To make it even more unbelievable I am so excited to meet up with Heatherlyn, Barrett, Barry, and Patty (and Ashley if she gets crazy enough to get a ticket!). I am also extremely excited that I get to LIVE with my own, personal, professional nutritionist for two months. Alizabeth has me on a regime to lose all that weight I've been carrying around. Bless her.

Now to the downside of traveling this far... jet lag. I feel like I've been sleeping since I got here. Until last night. Last night I woke up, wide awake at 3:30am. I laid and tried to fall asleep until about 6:30 when I decided to go ahead and get up for 7am yoga. There is yoga on TV several times a day so we try to catch it when we can. We went running last night too but it is so hot here! Knocks the wind out of you.

Today we are going to the bazaar with a couple of the girls that teach at the school. I'm really excited to get a few shirts... I really didn't pack all that well! Little shout out to Mark and Liz's blog if you want to hear they're side of the story:


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